Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Day 2017

Day 25 - Christmas Joy!

Reading: Luke 2:8-20

The joy, the celebration! Mary, tired, but smiling; Joseph, looking dazed and yet happy; the visitors to the Inn, peering round to see what's happening. And then, running down the street, an untidy, smelly band of Shepherds, yelling at the tops of their voices about Angels, about a King, about a Baby, about God. Even the animals don't seem to mind that their food trough has an occupant. A new light shines in the sky, and surely it can only be a trick of that light that makes it look like the new-born himself is shining? He slumbers, the everyday miracle of new life swaddled in bands of cloth. "Are you going to name him after yourself," asks a guest from the Inn. Joseph shakes his head. His young wife raises her head: "His name is Jesus" she says, in a voice that invites no argument; Joseph meekly nods in agreement. And, just for a moment, the light seems even brighter than before as the slumbering infant sighs in contentment. Meanwhile, in the East, the Stargazers are already setting off to find the new King whose birth has been written so gloriously across the skies.....

Prayer Point: Give glory to God in the Highest! Pray peace for His people on Earth!

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