Tuesday 26 December 2017

Christmas 2017 - Afterwards....

Day 26 - ... and afterwards?

Reading: Luke 2:19

This babe at my breast: this promise from God, this little one: what a start he's had! It seems like the whole town wanted to see him, especially after what those shepherds said. And I'm sure that there will be more visitors soon. But for now, it's just us: Mary, Jesus, and Joseph at the door. Faithful Joseph, though I don't think he really understands. Then again, do I understand? It seems like a lifetime ago that the Angel spoke to me; told me that the Son of God would be nurtured by my body. But in a stable? And people will talk; think Joseph should have got rid of me, wonder who the father really is. And yet, even now I don't doubt it. It's not going to be easy, this journey; and once the dust has settled a bit I think we're going to find that out. But God is with me, His Son is also my son, and I will put my trust in Him.

Prayer Point: Think back on the times you have known God's presence, and give thanks for them.

Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Day 2017

Day 25 - Christmas Joy!

Reading: Luke 2:8-20

The joy, the celebration! Mary, tired, but smiling; Joseph, looking dazed and yet happy; the visitors to the Inn, peering round to see what's happening. And then, running down the street, an untidy, smelly band of Shepherds, yelling at the tops of their voices about Angels, about a King, about a Baby, about God. Even the animals don't seem to mind that their food trough has an occupant. A new light shines in the sky, and surely it can only be a trick of that light that makes it look like the new-born himself is shining? He slumbers, the everyday miracle of new life swaddled in bands of cloth. "Are you going to name him after yourself," asks a guest from the Inn. Joseph shakes his head. His young wife raises her head: "His name is Jesus" she says, in a voice that invites no argument; Joseph meekly nods in agreement. And, just for a moment, the light seems even brighter than before as the slumbering infant sighs in contentment. Meanwhile, in the East, the Stargazers are already setting off to find the new King whose birth has been written so gloriously across the skies.....

Prayer Point: Give glory to God in the Highest! Pray peace for His people on Earth!

Sunday 24 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 24

Day 24 Mary (4th Sunday of Advent)

Reading: Luke 1:30-34

We're here, and only just in time. Breathe, remember to breathe. Oh, that hurts.... Joseph, where are you, why won't he let us in? Breathe.... I don't care, just so long as it's safe, at least the stable is warm.... Breathe... What was it the Angel said again? Don't be afraid? I've found favour with God? Oh, that hurts. Yet I could almost laugh. Is this what God's favour is like? Funny way to show it. Soon, little one. Soon. Breathe Mary, breathe! We're almost there.....

Prayer Point: Give thanks for those that have loved and nurtured you.

Saturday 23 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 23

Day 23 The Innkeeper

Reading: Luke 2:3

It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. This Census will be good for business I'm telling you! We'll have every bed filled, and people need food and drink too of course. That's going to help pay those taxes. Though it's a headache as well - there's only so much room, and there's always those who don't have a plan when they arrive. "What if someone's really desperate?" the wife asked. No skin off my nose. Not my problem. "Tell you what," I said to her, "if they're really desperate - there's always the stable...." and I laughed!

Prayer Point: Pray for those - paid or voluntary - who will be working on Christmas Day.

Friday 22 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 22

Day 22 - Preparations in the East

Reading: Matthew 2:1-2

Stargazers, dreamers, watchers of the heavens; searching for a star to steer by. Waiting for the blaze that means great events; consulting our maps and scrolls. Night after night, our eyes sweep the skies; where is the clue that we seek? We know their rising and setting, their stately dance as the seasons pass. Will we ever find our sign? Even know, is a new flame being kindled into life, ready to herald a King? We must watch and wait, and be ready. 

Prayer Point: Give Good News to those who seek it: that Christ is King.

Thursday 21 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 21

Day 21 - The Journey

Reading: Luke 2:5

Travel onward, Mary, your destiny awaits. The babe in your womb will soon be in your arms, but first, you must make this journey. Be strong, for journey's end will see a new beginning; be strong, for you will need your inner strength to tread that other journey - being the mother of the Messiah. One step, then another. Long miles behind, a few more ahead; the kick of a foot on your belly, another foot upon the path. You are the servant of the Lord, and you will keep faith.

Prayer Point: Pray for all those making journeys this Christmas.

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 20

Day 20 - Getting Ready

Reading: Luke 2:3-4

Could this be happening at a worse time? All the signs were that Mary was getting close, and now they had to journey to Bethlehem. What would they need? Joseph was frantic with worry: how would they get there? How far could Mary walk in a day? What if it all happened on the way? But Mary, young as she was, seemed calm and composed. What would be would be. As he looked at her, he allowed himself a moment's comfort: if she was all right, maybe he could be too.

Prayer Point: Pray for those anxious about the coming Christmas and what it may bring them.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 19

Day 19 - The Shepherds

Reading: Luke 2:8

It's hard, out on the hills. Keeping the wild animals at bay, and the thieves that want to help themselves. And you wouldn't believe where a sheep can get itself stuck. Then there's the smell, although you stop noticing it after a while. Though when you go into the town other people certainly notice, and they hold their noses and turn their faces away. When did a shepherd ever amount to anything? Except for David. A Shepherd and a King. When will we see that again?

Prayer Point: Pray for people that are marginalised and not respected, for they are God's children too.

Monday 18 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 18

Day 18 - The Census

Reading: Luke 2:1-2

A sign of Roman power, a way of stamping their authority - and to make sure they knew what taxes could be charged. The Census was not to benefit God's people, it was a sign of their subjugation. And yet it made sure of one thing: Joseph and Mary would have to travel to Bethlehem. The Messiah, the one who would finally take the throne of David, would share the birthplace of the great King; God's purpose would be served, even by those who knew nothing of it.

Prayer Point: That those who do God's will unknowingly will come to know Him.

Sunday 17 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 17

Day 17 - John the Baptist (3rd Sunday of Advent)

Reading: Luke 1:76-79

As Zechariah speaks, as the prophecy is made, the people listen in astonishment - this baby, this boy, is going to do great things - and is going to get things ready for the Messiah! What glory! How esteemed will John be by all people! Surely he will live out his days in a palace, or as the Chief Priest, as is appropriate for the herald of the King who will take David's throne! After all, what sort of King could do anything less for his faithful servant?

Prayer Point: Pray for those who must speak truth to power.

Saturday 16 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 16

Day 16 - The Birth of John

Reading: Luke 1:62-66

"A Son! Zechariah, you have a son!" And when they try and name him, as the old man shows his faithfulness by writing "His name is John", his stilled tongue is loosed again, and he praises God: praises God who gives him not just a son, but who sends him as one to prepare the way - for the Messiah that has been promised approaches, and Zechariah and Elizabeth know that not only is their heartache lifted, but the redemption of God's people is at hand!

Prayer Point: Pray for one specific person to know God's saving grace.

Friday 15 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 15

Day 15 - The return

Reading:Luke 1:56

Walk on Mary, heading home; but how different you are now than when you left! Three months have passed, and you can't hide what's happening; the knowing looks, the whisperers in quiet corners await. You must face them: you know the child making its presence known is nothing to be ashamed of, no matter what others may think. And you know as well that you will not stand alone: Joseph, faithful and true, awaits his bride.

Prayer Point: Ask God to show you how to stand alongside others.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 14

Day 14 - Mary visits Elizabeth

Reading: Luke 1:39-45

Two women, both dealing with unexpected pregnancies. One older, one younger. And yet, the younger is the greater, for the child she carries is the source of such glory that even the unborn John leaps for joy! And so a meeting that could have been one of sharing concerns, discussing the strange circumstances of their motherhood, becomes a reason for praising God, and rejoicing in God's blessing - and Mary sings, "Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord!"

Prayer Point: Praise God and rejoice in how he has blessed you.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 13

Day 13 - Joseph

Reading: Matthew 1:19-21

I like to think I'm a decent man, but it's beyond me really. I work with my hands, with my tools, not really my head; and when Mary told me... well I didn't know what to think. And, I mean, it's not every day your fiance tells you that not only is she expecting, but that an Angel has told her it's God's. But then I had that dream. So we'll make do somehow. And it's a big responsibility really; I'm going to be helping bring up the Messiah. I only really know about wood. What will he need to know about wood?

Prayer Point: Pray for those who offer care to others, whether or not they are family.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 12

Day 12 - The Visitation

Reading: Luke 1:34-38

Well what else could I say? "No thanks, it's not really convenient, come again next year when I'm married?" Not an option. Though what Joseph will say.... and then there's all the others as well - there's going to be a lot of talk. But I will know. Even if nobody else does, I will know that the child I will bear will take the throne of David, and he will make all things right. I can do this. I think. God, help me, because I know I can't unless You are with me....

Prayer Point: Give thanks for the faithfulness of people in every generation.

Monday 11 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 11

Day 11 – Mary

Reading: Luke 1:26-29

An Angel is a Messenger, and so I do what I'm told. Though it was a very strange message, to a very strange place - because it was so ordinary. Nothing special. The girl who received it - nothing remarkable I thought. It just felt so, well, mundane. And yet the message I had to deliver was surely of prime importance. Why here? Why now? Why her? Still, orders are orders, and you have to follow them. And when I began to speak.... well, let's just say that I realised why - why her, why here, why now.

Prayer Point: Pray for all who do God's will, wherever it may take them.

Sunday 10 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 10

Day 10 - The Prophets (2nd Sunday of Advent)

Reading: Isaiah 40:3-5

"Long ago, Prophets knew...." They knew this moment would come: that God would redeem and restore His people. That the long years of waiting would not be in vain. That, even though they had so often had to chide the people for turning away from God, God would never turn away from them. So often the prophets had spoken, calling the people back; but now, a new situation - God himself would come and seek them out, and bring them back. 

Prayer Point: Pray for the prophets of the modern day, calling people back to God.

Saturday 9 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 9

Day 9 - The Mission

Reading: Luke 1:30-33

Here it is: the promise. The Messiah. God's own son, coming into the world, to share in all it has - the joy, the love, the laughter, but also the pain, the sorrow, the weeping. God is choosing to share in all of this in a way that will show His people - will show all people - that He is not remote, indifferent; no, God shows us that He is passionately involved and determined to show Grace to the whole world - whatever the cost. God doesn't watch; God acts.

Prayer Point: Pray for our shared mission and that God will guide us.

Friday 8 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 8

-Day 8 - The King

Reading: Matthew 2:3-4 

Proud and cruel, the King in his palace; yet Herod lives also in fear. He knows that many don't see him as the proper King; he only rules because Rome lets him. So he sits, and frets, and gets involved in political intrigue; he must know at once of anyone that may try and usurp him. So he watches, and waits; so far, he has been safe, but he's a wily old fox, and the price of his power is eternal vision. The people are looking for a new king? Well, so is he - and he's determined he'll get there first....

Prayer Point: Pray that those with power in this world will also seek the ways of peace, wisdom, justice and mercy.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 7

Day 7 - Elizabeth's reaction

Reading: Luke 1:24-25

Me? Now? How can this be? I thought my time was passed, and that was that. I almost dare not believe. And yet, Zechariah isn't surprised - though he still can't speak, I know him well enough after all these years to tell. And God has done this before, when Sarah laughed when told that she would bear Isaac. Nothing must go wrong. God, my Lord, has chosen to bless me, and I must ensure that I keep God's trust: the life that grows inside me.

Prayer Point: Pray for the older people of our Church, that they will know God's blessing.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 6

Day 6 - The Angel

Reading: Luke 1:19

I stand in God's presence, and I serve only Him; I have the privilege of hearing God's voice, sending Good News. When humans see me, they usually cower in fear; for I am awesome in their sight, a winged and majestic figure. I can say this, for I know as well my place: I am one of God's creations, just as they are, and I am required always to worship and do the will of my master. Poor Zechariah! So faithful and yet so lacking in faith! It's easier when you stand, knowingly, in God's presence.

Prayer Point: Marvel at knowing God's presence in your life, and praise Him for it!

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 5

Day 5 - Zechariah's Vision

Reading: Luke 1:11-22

There stands the man, dumbfounded; the most joyful news of his life, unexpected, delivered by God's messenger. None may hear him speak, and yet in his silence his witness to God's glory is more eloquent than words. He has no voice, and yet the Lord speaks through him; his joy is unconfined, not limited by words. His son will be great in the sight of God, preparing the way for the Lord Himself. His son. John, son of Zechariah. His son!

Prayer Point: Pray for those whose voices are not heard, that they will know they are heard by God.

Monday 4 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 4

Day 4 - Zechariah and Elizabeth

Reading: Luke 1:5-7

Today there's a couple - man and wife. They're not young; they're clearly in love with one another, and yet deep in their eyes there is a tinge of sadness. Theirs is a home full of love - and yet, the children that would have it lavished upon them have never come. The whispers, the snide comments - they've learned to live with them. Yet deep within still lies that pain - what have we done wrong? Haven't we always been true to God, and to each other? If only.....

Prayer Point: Think of those who want children, and those who have lost them.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 3

Day 3 - God's People (1st Sunday of Advent)

Reading: Isaiah 64:1-4

Behind today's door, the picture shows a great crowd, crying out to God. God's people, living in oppression; the Roman occupiers dominate. The people long for freedom, and meanwhile their rulers - Rome, and those prepared to do what the occupiers want for their own share of power - show little interest in anything outside feathering their own nests. Surely God must hear them! Surely God will save them! And so the people wait, in hope, in fear, in longing. If only God would come.....

Prayer Point: Pray for those in our world today living under oppressive regimes.

Saturday 2 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 2

Day 2 - The Plan 

Reading: John 1:1-6

This time the door reveals a candle. The light shines in the darkness, and although we may not always realise, it has always been there. From the very first, this has been with God - has been God. Since the beginning of everything, God has been mysteriously not quite one, but not quite three; and, as the tides of history ebb to and fro, the plan that has long been made in the mind of God is about to come into action. God sees, God knows: and God acts. The time approaches, and the story is now to be told.

Prayer Point: Praise God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, whose wisdom, power, and glory are eternal.

Friday 1 December 2017

Advent 2017 - Day 1

Day 1 – An Introduction

Reading: Genesis 1:1-4

The first door on the Advent Calendar, the flash of excitement. the countdown has begun. What's behind the door? The answer is, something that looks like a Blue Marble. What is this? Why is this? What's it got to do with Christmas? Is it maybe a decoration, a bauble to hang on a tree? But then you realise that the swirling pattern is not a random one; the shapes are not abstract, but familiar. There, in front of you, shining against the blackness, is our planet; our home. How strange, how fragile it looks! And yet, how important a place it seems to us! Important too, to the one that called it into being. The story of Advent is one for the whole Earth.

Prayer Point: That the whole Earth will come to know the Good News of Christ's Advent.