Friday 11 December 2020

Day 11 - The Everyday Angel

Today we have the first batch of Angels courtesy of the White House School - thank you to all the Children and Staff there for joining in! There will be more pictures from the White House over the next few days.


I am the Everyday Angel. My wings are well hidden, and my eyes do not shine, but I am still an angel. I do not wear a white robe, and my halo is away to be cleaned, but I still have plenty to say. I chat to everyone, and I help them where I can; even as I strip off my mask and apron and gloves ready for the next patient I am thinking about how even this is a sign of how I care. I don't sing "Happy Birthday" as I wash my hands; I sing a good old fashioned hymn instead. "Risen with healing in his wings" it says in one that I like. It's good to know that even an Everyday Angel can bring healing. I just wish I could heal them all.... but then, even an Angel can't do that.

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